Meet the Group Leader

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Arramel, Ph. D.

Arramel was born in Bandung, Indonesia. He spent his childhood and entire formal education in the main capital of West Java Province. Then he pursued his bachelor degree in Bandung Institute of Technology in the period of 1999-2003 (Cum Laude), and completed the study under supervision of Prof. Djulia Onggo for the final project. In the period 2005-2007, he completed Nanoscience topmaster programme and received his degree under the guidance of Prof. Thom Palstra (Solid State Chemistry research group) in the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Subsequently, he pursued PhD in the group of Physics of Nanodevices under supervision of Prof. Bart Van Wees and Prof. Ben L. Feringa.

He then continuously working on the STM-based study in the period of May 2013 - April 2015 under the guidance of Prof. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa. He was as a Research Fellow in NUS, Singapore from the period of May 2015-July 2021 in the group of Prof. Andrew T. S. Wee. In August 2021- January 2022, he shortly joined as a Scientist II in IMRE (A*STAR) to revive the four-probe LT-STM setup. Since March 2022, he is appointed as a Research and Development Manager in PT. Nanotech Indonesia Global Tbk and build a research group so called Applied Physics and Chemistry.

Research portfolio can be found in the links below.