in research

(APC) at Nano Center Indonesia (NCI), a research wing of PT Nanotech Indonesia Global Tbk conducts nanotechnology research and development focusing on innovative product consultancy, nanomaterials characterization, and nano-based applications in semiconductor materials and petroleum extraction.


  • profile picture profile picture Prof. Dr. Hj. Budi Mulyanti, M.Si.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Electrical Engineering Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
    profile picture Dr. Lilik Hasanah, S.Si., M.Si.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Markus Diantoro, M.Si.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Education Department, State University of Malang
    profile picture Prof. Nandang Mufti, Ph.D.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, State University of Malang
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Eng. Muhammad Haris Mahyuddin, S.T., M.Eng.
    Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Yuly Kusumawati, M.Si.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Chemistry Department, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology
  • profile picture profile picture Dian Mart Shodiqin. S.Si., M.Si.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Kalimantan Institute of Technology
  • profile picture profile picture Dra. I gusti Ayu Arwati, M.T., Ph.D.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Mechanical Engineering Department, Mercu Buana University
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Lina Jaya Diguna
    Lecturer and Researcher at Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
  • profile picture profile picture Assoc. Prof. Andrivo Rusydi
    Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, National University of Singapore
    profile picture Prof. Andrew Thye Shen Wee
    Lecturer and Researcher at Physics Department, National University of Singapore
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Muhammad Danang Birowosuto
    Researcher at Lukasiewicz Research Network-PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, Poland
  • profile picture profile picture Prof. Jizhou Jiang
    School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering Wuhan Institute of Technology
  • profile picture profile picture Prof. Neng Li
    State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology
  • profile picture profile picture Dr. Astra Agus Pramana D.N., S.Si., M.Sc.
    Lecturer and Researcher at Petroleum Engineering, Pertamina University